Copywriting : Mindset A Copywriter Should you have

Copywriting : Mindset A Copywriter Should you have

There are many things you can learn copywriting techniques related.

But if you had to choose one of the many knowledge, this is the most you should not miss:

Mindset of a copywriter.

Even if you have a 1000 template copywriting in various aspects, if you do not have the mindset of a copywriter. all so useless.

You can not make a copy that sells without this understanding.

Not only that.

Template will make you stiff. templates can also expired (something like that).

Not so with the mindset.

Modern human thinking has never changed since the time of homo-sapiens began to appear, until now.

By having this knowledge, you will be able to create a copy that is effective even if 1000 years in the future you are still alive.

And this you can apply anywhere. landing page, sales letter, ad, website content.

1 - Copywriting is not (just) the author

Because the old days of marketing only use writing, so called "copy writing".

Now there is a media advertising and marketing in the form of images, video, and audio. then as a copywriter your job includes making the concept of the image, and the script in the video.

But most importantly, this:

Copywriters are people who study human psychology.

Let's look at the main function of a copywriter: make a copy that is able to increase conversions.

This means you have to "go in" to their brains.

Then channeling the ideas in your head to be accepted by them. So that they would take appropriate action you want.

So the principles of human psychology will be a lot of you have encountered.

Do not worry, you do not need to be a real psychologist. :D

2 - No one cares about you

Selfish.! That's the fundamental nature of human (and other living things).

Although in Civics lesson, we are always told to not be selfish. care for others. but still, no one cares about you.

They only care about themselves.

Let's look at an example:

This is a sample copy of a real business sales page (name and address be concealed).

[XXX costume] was established in early 2010 in Dallas, the originator of the idea: ela miller. [Costume XXX] is an online store that was developed from existing offline store with the brand "XXX Costume" which is located at 4161 Ersel Street - Dallas, TX 75247

We make costumes personalized / customized and sold or rented out for events such as: Carnival, the Feast of the National, Birthday, Religion, Halloween, Event Television, Exhibitions, Corporate Events, Performance Clothing, Party, Event School, Pre Wedding, Photo, and others.

Many of our clients come from the School of International level and the National Schools, Event Organizer and Enterprises and personally.

Sleepy right?

Who cares with the history of our business?

According to you. if they want to rent a costume, whether they require historical information? and the name of the founder of the store?

99% will not be read.

"Copywriting: They do not care about your business, they only care about themselves"

Give the information they care about.

A copywriter should know what information is most needed by their prospective customers. Then provide the information.

Once they feel you are the right people to solve their problems, then they care about you.

Again, remember:

They do not care about you, they only care about themselves. at first.

3 - Make the sale as if to one person only

This is one way to make them care about your copy.

Do not sell to everyone.

Many of the products / services can indeed be used by all people ranging from young children, the elderly, men, women, successful people, people who have not been successful. etc.

What often happens like this:

You want to get as much as possible buyers. Therefore you create a sales page that targets all circles.

The hope that all can buy.

In fact, what happens is your copy is not effective at all.

For example the sale of the property. Generally there are two types of buyers: those who want to buy homes, or people who want to invest.

Both are 180 degrees different.

You can not make sales to both at once. Both have a taste, class, and different problems.

The solution: create buyer persona

Buyer persona is representative of the average of your ideal customer.

Who is most likely to buy your products or use your services. That is what we will make representation as a buyer persona.

Forget those who most likely will not buy or need your product / service.

Instead of an explanation, just an example:

I want to sell the product weight loss supplement.

Who usually buy this product?

All people who are overweight?

Not wrong. But it is too broad. More specifically:

  • Gender: female
  • Age: 28-35
  • Status: mothers with children 1-2
  • Employment: in the office from 8am to 5 pm
  • The main problem: want to lose weight after giving birth, but did not have much time and energy to work
  • We can help: a weight loss supplement without the need to exercise hard, without the need of a strict diet

That buyer persona us.

Furthermore, the sales page, advertising, and promotions that you do. all targeting this persona.

4 - Do not be a robot

first, we are often taught to use a rigid writing appropriate grammar ... like a robot.

This brought up to now.

some say to write as it looks more professional.

Coupled with the use of terms that are difficult to understand.

In practice, in the real world, there are people who like to talk with people who are constantly using stilted language?

rigid = professionals.

not professional. Relaxing can also be more professional.

Try to read this:
In today's digital era, copywriting is very important for entrepreneurs who want to do online and offline marketing. Copywriting can be defined as the process of creative writing in the form of marketing and advertising with the intent of influencing individuals or groups in decision making. Copywriting includes text, images, video, or audio in the ad, the content, brochures, billboards, catalogs and other marketing communications media with the potential customer.

If I use this as an opening paragraph that guide you are reading now. the majority would have been gone.

It's like a teacher / lecturer who makes us sleepy in class.. Boring.

Do not be a copywriter who like it.

Although in the form of writing, a copywriter should be able to make posts like speaking directly to others.

Use language that they use regularly

This is one of the most powerful tips to instantly steal the attention of your target.

Use everyday language that they use regularly among them when complaining about something related to your product functions.

Imagine they complained about the problem in front of you.

Approximately what their complaints sentence.

Do not create a foreign sentence.

See this example from page features an online store making instant service named XXXXXstore. : D

Note the language used.

All design templates online store that we provide is a responsive template. so no need to worry, the customer can access the store and shop online at your store anywhere, whether using a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

In addition to your online store, part of XXXXStore also use responsive template that allows you to organize items anywhere. directly using your device. be it a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

More and more people shop online with a tablet and a smartphone, it is important for an online store that has a good display on tablets and smartphones, which provide online shopping experience fun and easy.

XXXXXStore have complete management that allows you to categorize your customers easily, determine the type of customer and view customer profiles, also create invoices.

System power-up allows you to add a wide range of new features to your website with ease, power-ups can you add such feature marketing, SEO features, making the system of discounts, and much more.

XXXXStore integrated with blogging systems that allow you to create a blog directly in your online store. articles needed by customers to add knowledge about the product and is useful as a marketing system on the internet.

Basically this XXXXXstore very interesting services because we can create their own online store at no cost and without the need skill to create a website.

But if we read. its sound odd.

"Your Store in hand"

"Control your shop anywhere"

Whereas the core of 6 points is simple: to be like this.

  • Can create an online store instantly without programming.
  • Easily accessible and manageable even from Mobile.
  • Customer management, invoicing, and granting discounts automatically.
  • It has been optimized for the search engines.
  • Can create a blog in the online shop, so that a wider range of marketing.

If it can be explained in simple, not complicated.

That's all.

Easy right?

Only 4 of the above you need to understand as a copywriter.

With capitalize fourth this mindset, in fact you can make a copy in any form.

Landing page. sales letter. e-mail. advertisement. website content. and much more.

So, to conclude this chapter. there are four of the most fundamental wrong in copywriting:

  1. Not thinking about what happens in other people's minds when reading what you write
  2. Too focused with himself.
  3. Talking to the wrong person.
  4. Boring and difficult to understand.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to structure a copy with one of the best formulas in copywriting.

Read Chapter 2 if you want to create writing that is able to get into the minds of others and make them tick.


AIDA formula

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