Strategies to Get High Quality Backlinks

Strategies to Get High Quality Backlinks
Link building is the way to get backlinks from other sites to the website or blog. If you want to get a lot of visitors, you must be in the top positions in the search results. In order to get good rankings then you need backlinks. because backlinks is one of the major factors in SEO.

But it was not easy .!! Currently, Google and other search engines to be very strict in the selection of backlinks. So not all backlinks can provide positive effects for your website / blog.

Backlink obtained haphazardly will not give positive benefits, even in the long term could worsen blog.

Natural and qualified. these factors will determine the effect of backlinks you get up. To get a backlink like this you need a special technique. This technique will you learn now.

Changes in link building

I understand, you definitely want to quickly learn the techniques of link building in order to get as many links.

Wait!! You should read the concept if you do not want your website traffic suddenly dropped. as a penalty from google.

Backlink it not only could be positive, but also negative. techniques of link building that you can see through forums, social media, blogs, and even used it most of the SEO services that impact bad.

Why?? Because the first, Google not smart in assessing the quality of backlinks.

As a result, people used to find backlinks as much as possible in a way that is actually prohibited. first, this method can still be used. but not for now.

Google now is smarter in assessing backlink. if you are using a technique that is prohibited, then the risk is very possible penalty. That's why you should be careful.

How good and true.
As I said above >> Link should be natural and good quality.
Natural meaning given voluntarily or with the permission of the owner of another website. Not the result of automatic spam or submit.

Qualified means derived from an active website and a good reputation. Look at this:
  • You have a website/blog and quality content
  • You tell this content to others
  • They recommend your content through their website

In this scheme, belong to other websites recommend your articles, because they find your content worth recommending. That is done by all the major websites in the world. That will improve your website rankings, and that's what you'll learn now.

If natural, is it hard?
It is true. So with the correct technique we can not get a lot of backlinks as well. But you try to think carefully. Which one do you choose:
  • Bit backlinks, ranking rose rapidly, without the risk.
  • Many backlinks, rankings go up slowly, high risk.

For those who want to build a serious business for the long term, the number 1 choice would have been much more interesting. anyways, we just need a little, backlink.
For the competition easy to medium, usually only takes ONE backlink with the method below to reach the first page.

The strategy of getting quality backlinks

As already mentioned earlier: Getting backlinks like this a little more difficult, but you do not need a lot, and your website will be safe from the risk of a penalty.

Remember, strategies below are not directly instantly generate backlinks, not like writing a blog comment or forum spam. There are preparations to be done before. But the benefits are great when successful.

1. Provide quality content.

All SEO practitioners would agree, it was impossible to get quality backlinks without having quality content.

Backlink that recommendation. there will be no one who would recommend the content is not good. and Google can judge whether the content you are qualified or not. though Google just machines.

Assessing the quality of the content easy.

For example, one of the characteristics of quality content do not read long by visitors. See for yourself in Google, it is impossible there are articles that are not qualified on page 1, That's why content is the foundation of link building.
  • Quality content can enter with little backlink page 1
  • Content quality is not impossible, though backlinknya many

how the characteristics of quality content?
  • Its content is much better than other similar content.
  • The topic of interest.
  • Resolving problems that many people sought.
  • Written by attractive so that readers enjoy.

2. Request to other website owners

Where there are people who want to give backlink ?? Surely we would not directly ask for granted. First, you must understand that backlinks from other websites are active is the best type of backlink. just 1 backlink, blog rank right up.

But they will not give you a backlink to you that the content is not qualified. So, the first key is the quality of the content.
Now. let's select one of the content that has already been created. and Think!!
  • Is there anyone willing to recommend about this content?
  • What if you see content like this on Facebook or Twitter, would you read it? That was a first.

And second.
  • Outstanding article content.
  • They know who you are

It is already proven. If people who need help it is people we know, we will tend to be more willing to help. That why we must begin to make friends either.

Discover some of the website owners in the same or similar topics with you. we've targeted websites more popular and actively managed. Find the contact and social networking accounts

Try commenting good every time there is a new article, share their article, try starting a conversation through social media, post links to their content, then Chatback, began to make friends with them.

Remember, we are going to make friends with people who are more successful.

Most likely they will ignore you. Unless we are already doing good to them. Right?

3. Broken link building

This is similar to number 2.
we ask others to give the link. Broken link means a link from a web page to other websites that are no longer active. When clicked, the page no longer exists.

Maybe Because domain expired, wrongly written, the article is removed, or any other reason.

Well, the broken link building, we would look for broken links from other websites. Then we'll help them fix the broken link by providing a link to your website as an alternative.

Create one article that same topic with the article in the link was broken. Make sure your article is better than the original article. Then contact the website owner, tell that there brokenlink in the page and offer your content instead.

To check the contents of the link was broken, please search on google.

4. Resource link building

While browsing the Internet,, you'll often see articles like this:

6 best android gaming website - 10 websites studied blog - 9 best tourism website. Etc.

maybe there are many bloggers who wrote a similar article in the same topic as your website or blog.

Articles such as this has accommodated many links to other websites, one additional link again it should not matter. Instead they will be grateful for you to add to their collection.

Contact the website owner if the category your website fits the article. Say that you have a blog similar, then ask them to view, inspect, and add your website to the list. Give a brief explanation if it is required to simplify their work.

5. Competitor backlink strategy

Is a favorite of many practitioners of SEO techniques. You can see your competitor's backlinks by using this service. OpenLinkProfiler. Or Other Site.

you will get a list of backlinks that are owned by a website. Usually there are a few backlinks that you can imitate.
For example, the results displayed there coming from a blog, website, or a particular forum, you can also participate or try to get a link on the same website.
This technique has huge potential. Now you can see why other websites can be successful. But be careful with the type of link spam, avoid low quality website.

6. Website directories are clean of spam

Be careful, the website can have negative consequences in the form directory. There is a website directory you should avoid.

Directories that ugly topic is too diverse, without selection acceptance, no visitor activity, and most of the websites listed there are also unknown quality.

At first glance we can know the directory ugly.Conversely, a good directory is a directory moderated closely. so that the website listed there also qualified and have appropriate topics.

If you find a directory like this, register your website. Usually a good directory is the business directory. for those who have a business website, this is the easiest way to get backlinks passable quality.

7. Guest blogging to get traffic

It's the best and easiest way to get traffic to the new website and to improve rankings in Google. when it was new, there is no one person who knows where your website. Even if you make 100 articles on your website, could remain quiet.There is one rule of successful marketing: go to a crowded place. In other words, a website that has a lot of visitors. After doing guest blogging, so visitors of the website will recognize your website. They will be the visitor on your website.

This technique is equally beneficial to both parties. That is why many bloggers who accept guest post, provided that quality article.

But be careful: Not all guest post positive impact. Google has stated link guest post on any blog could lead to a penalty. Especially if it comes from websites created just to accommodate a guest post. Or websites that sell guest postGuest post like this that are prohibited:

The characteristics of a good website to guest blog.

  • Is old enough, more than 1 year
  • Topics are relevant to your website
  • Traffic is high, can be checked on Alexa.
  • Enthusiastic readers, can be seen from the comments or his social media accounts
  • The design is not cluttered and nice content.

8. Egobait content

This technique utilizes human nature. You do this by discussing about the person / business / organization in the content that we make. The hope they will realize the 'bait' from you, feel happy / proud, then promote your content on the website in the form of links and mentions in social media.

There are several examples egobait:
Make a list of content shaped collection of websites, such as "15 best health blog"
Make a list of the best article content in a particular topic

Discuss specifics about the success / story of a particular person in a single article.

egobait similar to, but different understanding. As explained above, with egobait means we provoke feelings of pleasure and pride of others. Linkbait is slightly different, linkbait means we create content in any form that is able to invite the attention of many people at once so that the potential gain backlinks so high.

There are several forms of application of the temple link:

  • A controversial article which talks so many people
  • Interactive content that are useful or may make people entertained, such as games or quizzes.
  • The article is an explanation of a news or opinion that is popular
  • Contest
  • A comprehensive guide, so that people will remember these guidelines every time the topic is discussed.
  • etc

9. Create a potentially viral content

If you are a creative person to make an image, video, etc. try creating potential. Popular content will get a lot of visitors, the number of social media share to increase dramatically, and of course you will get a backlink.

Sometimes, one viral content is enough to create a website so popular.
Infographics is one form of content more easily become viral than regular article.
Make sure your website social media-friendly by using attractive pictures, put the share button, and use the Open Graph and Twitter meta cards.

11. Make a marketing forum and not a forum spamming
For a website owner who is obsessed in finding a backlink, forums, usually used as a spam. That is wrong. Forum is basically a container of people who want to learn.

If one of your articles can help their learning process, take advantage of this opportunity to promote a website. In addition to getting backlinks and visitors, the reputation of your website will also be awakened.
  • Find forums that correspond to your main topic
  • Create an account that is serious, complete data.
  • Answer any questions from forum members with a complete answer, for they do not need to read the answers from others
  • Repeat for a few days until you are familiar with the forum members
  • After this then you can start to occasionally put a website link
Many popular websites used to take advantage of forums and community sites when introducing new website. Because it is a forum where the promotion easiest. Nevertheless, do not let your site get a stigma of community sites because the impact will be felt permanently.

Ensuring the quality of backlinks.
Now you already know the basics of getting backlinks. But still many others. were not mentioned.

You have to do here

Ensuring quality.
  • Relevance to the topic of your website
  • The reputation of a website where the backlink.
  • The nature of visitors to the website, whether active or passive
  • The website penalized or not and whether there is a potential penalty
  • The similarity of the language used

Do not put a backlink on a website if:
  • Website owners invite direct exchange links
  • Must pay
  • prohibited content category (for example pornography)

Assuring quality backlinks you get up:
  • Build links to articles / content and not to homepage
  • Use anchor ranging from website name, keyword, common phrases ("click here", "this website", etc.), and without anchor.
  • Use quality content to guest blog and content sharing platform.

SEO chapter :

chapter 1. Basic Concepts of SEO
chapter 2. On Page SEO
chapter 3. Keyword Research
chapter  4. Content Marketing
chapter 5. Off Page SEO
your at this article >>> chapter 6. Link Building.

Next :
chapter 7. Assess Performance SEO

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